TORN (Chapter 2)
Friday, April 27, 2012 | 8:50 PM | 0 comments
I woke up around 5am and got out of bed immediately. I decided to go for a walk or a jog maybe. I grabbed my phone&hoodie then set off. ''Finally out in the streets.'' I told myself. I felt the cool morning breeze go against my direction, which gave me shivers. Finally I decided to go to jog and head for the park. On my way, I passed by street cleaners and people leaving early for work. The sight of it makes me very thankful that I'm blesses with a good life like this. I found myself smiling, so yeah, I was jogging with a big smile on my face. ''What an absolute idiot I am.'' I thought. After a half an hour jog I finally reached the park. There were only a few people there but somebody caught my attention. ''he looks familiar....'' I thought. It's Niall! ''NIALL!'' I shouted while waving at his direction. He noticed me and quickly ran towards my direction. ''Hey babe, what's up?'' he asked. ''Nothing, just went for an early jog. You?'' ''Just went out for a walk.'' I wasn't really expecting bumping into Niall today. ''Oh hey, the boys and I are planning to go to the beach today. Wanna come?'' he asked feeling a bit nervous. ''Sure, sounds great.'' I quickly responded. ''Great, so it's the 5 of us then.'' he smiles. ''Wait, what? 5 us? And then it hi me, Zayn wasn't around. I forgot all about it.'' tears nearly came out of me as I thought of this. ''What's wrong?'' Niall asked. ''Oh nothing, I gotta go now. See ya later.'' I waved goodbye as I ran out of the park. 

as I was running on the way home, I bumped into Harry. ''Woah! Easy there.'' he sadi while getting a grip on both of my arms. I suddenly remembered what he did to me the other day so I struggle myself free and ran away in fear. When I eached m house I hurriedly went inside. In exhausment, I flopped myself into the couch and closed my eyes. When I woke up it was already 8am. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed some cereals and milk. I got a text from Niall saying: ''Hey! Sadly the boys can't come with us. I was wondering if it's just the two of us then? I mean, if it's alright with you. xx'' As his bestfriend, I wouldn't want to ditch him like the boys did. So I replied to his text saying:''Sure thing, it's totally fine with me. I'll get ready.'' After eating, I went straight to my room and packed my things. I made sure everything was all there: bikinis, sunscreen, blah blah. Few minutes later the doorbell rang. I went downstairs carrying my bag hoping it was Niall. I opened the door to see who it was, it is Niall!! ''you ready?'' he asked. ''heck yea, I am!'' I laughed. I went out and locked the door, I made sue everything was secured. I put my things at the back of his car and I occupied the seat next to the driver's seat. Niall finally went inside the car and started the engine. ''It's a 2hour drive.'' he said. ''It's okay.'' I smiled. We took off not a moment after. After a very long drive we finally arrived. I excitedly got out of the car and grabbed my things. It was actually a hotel beside the beach... ''Let's put our things in our hotel room first.'' Niall suggested. I nodded. We already settled our things when I realized... ''Wait, we'll share the same room?'' I asked in surprise. ''Yeah, is there a problem? Don't worry I'll sleep on the floor.'' he laughs. ''Oh no, it's okay if you sleep beside me. After all, we're friends, aren't we?'' I gave him a little smile. I grabbed my bikini and quickly changed. I also grabbed my sunglasses and put some sunscreen on. ''See you outside.'' I hollered.

At the beach, I quickly found a perfect spot. I lied there feeling the warm sun all over me. I was completely relaxed when suddenly out of nowhere I feel sand dripping on my belly. ''Niall will you stop doing that.'' I say without opening my eyes but he won't stop. I've known him for a lon time together with the other 4 and now we're bestfriends. He takes more sand and continues to pour it all over my belly and legs. ''Niall stop!'' I say a bit annoyed and gently slap away his hand still not opening my eyes. After a while I think he has stopped but then I feel blowing in my ear. ''That's it Horan! Don't make me come after you!'' I shou and get up from he ground. Niall starts to run for the water and I'm righ after him. He laughs and starts to splash water all over me. I laugh and do the same to him but his splashes seem to be bigger so I try to hide behind my hands. I can't see anything because of the water splashes and suddenly I feel cold hands around my hips that pull me down onto the ground. The water around us is gently brushing against our bodies. Breathless about Niall's handsome features against the sun makes me all speechless. He looks deeply into my eyes and places my hands above my head. He slowly bends down for my ear. ''You're so beautiful Elouise, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're my bestfriend but lately I've goten these feelings towards you, eally strong feelings. I know you're taken and all but you're one of a kind.'' he whispers against my ear as he pulls back to face me. I can feel my cheeks getting all red and hot and I smile faintly. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I notice Niall also starts to blush. I try to say something but find no words. I feel Niall getting closer to my face, his warm breath tickling my cheek. I look down at his lips and back up at his eyes when I feel his soft lips brushing against mine. I arch my back as ou kiss deepens. I can feel his tongue gently playing with mine and I feel his smile. I instantly begin to smile too, breaking the kiss our foreheads rested against eachothers. ''Let's go back to he hotel, shall we?'' he suggested. ''sure thing.'' he offered me a piggy back ride, so I was riding on his back on the way back to the hotel.

Niall suggested we watch a movie he has never watched before, The Lion King. We're halfway through the film and Niall is starting to get bored, he removes his hands from my shoulder and moves it to my thigh, I looked down at his crotch, he's bored and horny. He starts to move his hand further and futher up the inside of my thigh, until he reaches my now incredibly wet pussy. He slides his hands into my trousers ad inserts two fingers into me, and starts thrusting them in and out, I moan in pleasure and start to whisper his name over and over again, not long after I can't take it anymore, and I grab Niall's shirt and pull him on top of me and start to kiss him, my lips moving against his with urgency and our tongues dancing together inside my mouth. He moves his hands to my bum and pulls me onto his lap, I feel his hard bulge pressed right into my leg, making me even wetter. He grabs onto my legs and holds onto them, as he makes his way to the bed, not pulling away our kiss, he fumble with light switch still kissing me. He pulls away and I look into his eyes and then lean into his ear and whispered ''Fuck me, please...'' He smiles cheekily and then places me down on the bed and climbing on top of me. I pull off his top quickly and he does the same to me, and unclipping my bra within record time, I pull at his chino's until they're on the floor and straight after that I take off his boxers, which were holding back his incredibly big, hard dick, within seconds we are both completely naked, he pushes himself into me, and start to thrust slow at start, to make sure he doesn't hurt me because of his size, I nod at him telling him that he can go faster and harder, and he doesn't hold back. I bite on his shoulder to stop myself from screaming with pleasure as Niall thrusts his dick into me fast and hard. He screams my name as he cums inside of me, he rolls off me and lies beside my, breathless, his beautiful naked body glistening with sweat. ''No one's taking you away from me, you're mine.'' he says. ''Zayn... I'm sorry.'' I whispered as tears stream down my face. Niall pulled me into his bare chest and gently rocks me to sleep.

hope you enjoyed. Massive credit to  and  for writing some portions of this chapter. I love 'em. <3 xx

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